KARST Studios is a dedicated production space that houses nine studios for contemporary artists. From its humble DIY beginnings, KARST has established a studio culture that provides a professional, dynamic and critically engaged environment where dialogue and support is enabled for residing artists through the interaction of its public programme, exchange with visiting artists/curators, collaborative projects, and peer critique.
The studio complex comprises approximately 2000 square feet housing nine designated studios, a project space, technical resources, kitchen facilities and communal areas. KARST provides opportunity for artists at all stages of their careers: from recent graduates, emerging and mid-career artists to those established and working at an international level.
Studio artists play an important part in contributing to the organisation’s growing presence, which is integral to the development of KARST. Applications for studios are accepted on an ongoing basis and tenancies are reviewed twice a year.
To request more information on how to apply please email ku.gro.tsrak@ofni
Current studio artists
Dave Beech
www.davebeech.co.uk -
Jean-Paul Bellamy Wallace
www.instagram.com/jeanpaulbellamywallace -
Anna Boland
www.anna-boland.com -
Kelly Bryant
www.instagram.com/kelly_bryant_projection_art -
Graham Guy-Robinson
grahamguy-robinson.co.uk -
Keith Harrison
www.keith-harrison.info -
Paul Hillon
www.paulhillon.com -
Lou Holland
louhelenart.co.uk -
Laura Hopes
www.laurahopes.com -
In The Making
www.in-the-making.org -
we-are-low-profile.com -
Molly Erin McCarthy
molmor.xyz -
Tom Milnes
www.tommilnes.com -
Rhys Morgan
www.rhysmorganartist.com -
Tom Pether
www.instagram.com/tompether -
Laura Robertson
laurarobertson.com -
Jess Scott
www.instagram.com/ink_stain_hands -
Urbanomic (Robin Mackay & Amy Ireland)