Exquisite Vogon TV is a new vehicle for solo performance projects and pushes a post apocalyptic, low-fi, sci-fi aesthetic within immersive video installations. The term ‘Vogon’ refers to the hostile and generally bad tempered alien race who demolished earth for an intergalactic highway in Douglas Adams’ surreal sci-fi novel, TV series and film, Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy. The Vogons were infamous for bureaucracy and torturing their enemies by reciting their poetry, considered to be the third worst in the known universe.
EV TV has arisen from the rubble trauma void left by The Cult Of Rammellzee, who in 2016 escaped sub cultural paralysis and entered next level, major nasal groove status, after producing an epic series of large scale broken down Hip Hop rituals, seen in full transit at The Saatchi Gallery, The Barbican, Somerset House, Gasworks Gallery, Modern Art Oxford, Panke Culture in Berlin, Locatie Z in the Hague and International film Festival Rotterdam between 2011-16.