Counter draws together artists, collectives and book works to make friends, sell books, buy books,share work, share knowledge, learn something new, start conversations, ask questions, try to find answers and exchange ideas.
Counter is run by an independent band of Plymouth based artists. We are keeners, fans, and D.I.Y enthusiasts.
The Counter Programme consists of:
Ladies of the Press are a London-based performative publishing duo, performing on and off the page. Past gigs include Tate Modern, ICA, Science Museum. LOTP* will be documenting the event with their Live Press and creating a zine which they will freely distribute at the end of the day.
AMBruno – an alliance of artists brought together by a common interest in the medium of the book in 2008. Previous exhibitions and fairs include Leeds Artists’ Book Fair 2015, Berliner Liste 2014 and NY Art Book Fair 2009. Marco Cali from AMBruno will present a performance lecture during Counter.
Maria White – independent artists’ book specialist, previously Chief Cataloguer and responsible for the artists’ book collection at Tate Library. Maria is presenting a small selection from her private collection of artists’ books and will talk about the works she’s brought to Counter and how she has developed her collection.
Please visit the website at: